December 28, 2022

Census of Agriculture Now Available to Complete in Paper and Online Versions

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) mailed paper questionnaires to agriculture producers in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming the week of Dec. 19, 2022.

Producers now have the option to complete the ag census at or by mail. Responding to the Census of Agriculture is required by law under Title 7 USC 2204(g) Public Law 105-113. Respondents only need to submit the questionnaire through one of the two choices, and those who have already submitted theirs online do not need to submit it again.

By law, all data submitted stays confidential and is only used “for statistical purposes, and only publish in aggregate form to prevent disclosing the identity of any individual producer or farm operation.”

The USDA notes the importance of the census by saying: “The data inform decisions about policy, programs, rural development, research, and more. The Census of Agriculture is the producer’s voice in the future of American agriculture.”

For more information, visit

For state specific questions, please contact the following State Statisticians at 1-800-392-3202:

Arizona – Dave DeWalt

Colorado – Rodger Ott

Montana – Eric Sommer

New Mexico – Margie Whitcotton

Utah – John Hilton

Wyoming – Leslee Lohrenz