November 3, 2015

FDA and Produce Industry to Hold Final Rule Webinars on FSMA in December

In October, following the publication of FDA’s final Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) rules for preventive controls for human food and animal feed, the produce industry came together with FDA to co-sponsor a series of webinars to help industry members understand the final rules and implications for their businesses.

Yesterday, the FDA submitted three additional rules to the Federal Register for publication, the produce safety, foreign supplier verification and third party accreditation rules. This December, FDA has agreed to participate in two additional webinars covering these three other final FSMA rules. 

A webinar on the final Produce Safety rule will be held on Friday, December 11, and a second webinar, on the final Foreign Supplier Verification Program and Accredited Third Party Certification rules, has been scheduled for Monday, December 14. 

In an effort to ensure impacted parties are well informed and have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the FDA, Western Growers members are invited to register in two upcoming complementary webinars by using the links below:

Final FSMA Produce Safety Rule Webinar

Friday, December 11

10:30 a.m. PST (1:30 p.m. EST) 


Final FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program & Accredited Third Party Certification Rules Webinar

Monday, December 14

9:00 a.m.PST (Noon EST)


For more information, please contact Sonia Salas at (949) 885-2251.