July 21, 2016

Nearly 1.9 Million Californians Educated on #LostCAwater

Western Growers recently wrapped up the second leg of its #LostCAwater digital campaign—and the results were tremendous. Nearly 1.9 million people saw the “Other Stressors, Not Pumps, Leading to Delta Smelt Decline” video, which aimed to educate Californians about the regulatory exacerbation of California’s drought and its devastating impact on farmers and rural communities.

Released in June, this video was part of a larger #LostCAwater campaign to encourage viewers to take action and exert pressure on state and federal regulators to increase the pumping of storm pulse flows through the Delta. The campaign officially launched in March with the “El Niño is Here — But Will it Make a Difference?” video and the promotion and development of the WG Water Page. Though the first video was more effective in driving traffic to water website, the second video had a higher completion rate (number of people who watched the entire video).

The video significantly boosted Western Growers social media presence, as 860 viewers commented, liked or shared the video on their personal social media site. Additionally, more than 8,650 people visited the WG Facebook Page and WG Water Page to learn more about the issue and obtain resources such as infographics and suggested social media posts. All analytics from the second WG Water Video Campaign can be found here.

With the success of Western Growers’ first-of-its-kind digital media campaign, the Association plans to create additional targeted campaigns in the future. Western Growers’ members are still encouraged to share the videos, use the #lostCAwater hashtag and take advantage of the resources on the WG Water Page.


