Learn what the law says about acceptable and unacceptable workplace behavior by examining the different forms of harassment, abusive conduct, and discrimination. Equip yourself with new approaches to help individuals know how to make the right decisions and act if they experience or witness sexual harassment or other misconduct — from the obvious to the subtle. Help your organization avoid costly harassment complaints that can damage your company’s reputation, recruitment, and retention efforts, as well as its bottom line. Earn 2 SHRM re-certification credits upon attending. (This 2-hour course complies with state-mandated training requirements under Cal. Govt. Code Section 12950.1.)
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
9:00am – 11:00am
Salinas Chamber of Commerce
119 East Alisal St, Salinas, CA 93901
2 hours
Who should attend
Managers and individuals who direct and influence the work of other employees.
Member pricing available. Register here.