The Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee (FVIAC) is seeking nominations to fill 10 upcoming vacancies. Created in 2001, this FVIAC examines the full spectrum of issues faced by the U.S. produce industry and provides suggestions and ideas to the Secretary of Agriculture on how United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) can tailor its programs to better meet the needs of the fruit and vegetable industry.
The Secretary of Agriculture will appoint one person to each of these ten positions to serve a 2-year term of office beginning August 1, 2017, and ending July 31, 2019—with a maximum of three 2-year terms. FVIAC membership consists of 25 members who represent the fruit and vegetable industry and will include individuals representing fruit and vegetable growers/ shippers, fruit and vegetable wholesalers/distributors, brokers, retailers/restaurant representatives, fresh-cut and other fruit and vegetable processors and foodservice suppliers. It should also include individuals representing farmers markets and food hubs, organic and non-organic fruit and vegetable representatives, and representatives from state departments of agriculture, farmer organizations and produce trade associations.
USDA is also seeking nominations to fill future unexpected vacancies in any of the position categories. These nominations will be held as a pool of candidates that the Secretary of Agriculture can draw upon as replacement appointees if unexpected vacancies occur. A person appointed to fill a vacancy will serve for the remainder of the 2-year term of the vacant position.
Written nominations must be received on or before September 1, 2017. Nomination applications can be sent to Marlene Betts at [email protected], or mailed to: USDA-AMS-SCP, 1400 Independence Avenue SW., Room 2077-S., Stop 0235, Washington, DC 20250. Electronic submittals are preferred.
See the official notice from USDA or visit the Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee website. For more information. For questions, contact Matt McInerney at (949) 885-2263.