The Colorado Department of Labor & Employment’s (CDLE) Division of Labor Standards and Statistics has issued interpretive guidance, or “Fact Sheets” on Colorado labor laws and rules, including a summary of the requirements of the Agricultural Labor Rights & Responsibilities Act (ALRRA). These updates can be found under INFO #12 in English, and are now also available in Spanish (INFO #12), (See also, #12A: Overtime and Minimum Wage Obligations for Agricultural Employment; #12B Agricultural Employee Rest Periods, Meal Periods, and Service Provider Access; #12C Heat Protection; Short-Handled Tool & Hand-Weeding/Thinning Limits; Public Health Emergency Protections; and #12D Enforcement: Scope of Coverage; Notice of Rights; Protected Activity & Retaliation; Complaints & Remedies)
Visit Division of Labor Standards ad Statistics | Department of Labor & Employment (, call 303.318.8441 or email the division: [email protected] for questions.