Western Growers members joined Canadian Produce Marketing Association Chair, Colin Chapdelaine, and CPMA staff at the organization’s town hall and reception in Salinas this morning, January 30th. The group toured the Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology with Executive Director Dennis Donohue, and then during the town hall discussed a multitude of topics, including updates on the Canadian market, the upcoming CPMA Convention and Trade Shows, and a buyers panel including interactive discussions on top issues, trends, and the 2024 landscape.
Environment and Climate Change Canada is advocating for a near-elimination approach for plastic packaging that would require 75% of all produce that is currently sold in the supermarkets, to be sold in bulk or non-plastic packing by the year 2026, increasing to 95% in 2028. Regulatory updates including forced labor, supply chain issues, the Safe Food for Canadians Act’s review, and grades & consultations were also on the agenda.