July 9, 2019

Digital Edition of July/Aug 2019 WG&S Magazine Now Available

It’s all about “agtech” and “disruption on the farm” in the latest edition of Western Grower & Shipper magazine, which is now available online and in print. Click here to access the electronic version of the magazine.

Some highlights from this issue:

Better Together: Technology Advances in Health Care
As technology evolves, the way employees access health care has undergone massive shifts to improve accuracy and methods of care.

5G Will Usher in Financial Winners
Since there will be a massive transition to the new 5G standard, various companies stand to benefit financially as the world becomes connected to this improved technology.

Disruption on the Farm – AgTech Balances Tradition and Technology
Agriculture has always had a relationship with technology, but it wasn’t until about six years ago that the intersection between ag and tech blossomed into a game-changing movement.

Award of Honor: Tom Nassif A Natural Selection
Western Growers Chairman of the Board Ron Ratto, who also headed up the selection committee for the 2019 Award of Honor recipient, said selecting WG President/CEO Tom Nassif was as close to a no-brainer as there is.