Have you ever wondered how different parties in the fresh produce supply chain are implementing sustainability practices? Are they doing more than your business? Less? Are there new and innovative ways to approach sustainability? If these are questions you have asked yourself, consider joining Western Growers for an informational webinar related to three current sustainability efforts and perspectives.
Our featured speakers include experts in sustainability in the almond, wine and food service sectors. Their presentations will provide the background, overview and current status of each of their efforts.
REGISTER TODAY! Don’t miss the opportunity to hear about these three programs!
Sustainability Webinar Details
January 28, 2014, at 11:30 a.m. (PST)
Featured Speakers:
Allison Jordan, Vice President, Environmental Affairs, Wine Institute & Executive Director, California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance
Joe Browde, Sustainability Senior Associate, SureHarvest
Kathleen Phillips, Supply Chain Sustainability Manager, Pro-Act USA