July 1, 2021

Initiating the Interview Process

No matter the employer’s hiring protocols—conducting interviews, contacting references, or initiating background checks—it is up to the designated hiring team to determine which applicant(s) will be selected for review and ultimately hired. The first step of this process is to initiate a review of the pool of applicants and delete those who clearly do not have the requisite skill or experience.

The following are some suggestions for making good hiring decisions:

  • Attitude is generally more important than skill.
  • Don’t hire just because you “like” someone.
  • Look to fill gaps in the strength of the organization.
  • Seek diversity in the workforce.

The interview process presents a further opportunity to gather information about a candidate. This is an effective tool as it allows the employer to ask specific questions, pursue a particular line of questioning, or clear up any misunderstandings from the application. What follows are tips and suggestions to assist in preparing for and conduct a successful interview.

  • Be familiar with the skills required for the job (e.g., job description) and knowledgeable about any other information relevant to the position (e.g., start date, hours, pay periods, applicable benefits).
  • Review the applicant’s resume, cover letter, and reference information.
  • Prepare interview questions in advance.
  • Consider using a “rating sheet” to record notes and impressions.[1]
  • Always be prepared to start on time.

Check in with us next week for best practices and tips on conducting an effective interview.

Find these tips and best practices useful? Check out Western Growers newly updated Personnel Procedures Manual (PPM) The PPM is an information-packed employer tool that provides helpful guidance for employers navigating the employer/employee relationship from pre-employment to termination. Click the PPM link below for more information.

[1] Using a rating system is an acceptable interview tool but the information written down should NEVER include comments

based on protected classifications (e.g., comments on age, race, sex, gender, national origin etc.).