February 23, 2022

Port of Oakland – Webinar for USDA “Pop Up” Container Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued some record-breaking export numbers for the month of February, but for many shippers trying to move their ag products through the Ports of Oakland and Los Angeles, frustrations still persist.

According to a Port of Oakland press release, the Port says it’s working with the USDA to clear bottlenecks impeding outbound shipments and provide the industry relief from global supply chain snarls.

The problem
the global shipping logjam created dockside congestion of empty containers that are affecting the transport of Oakland exports.

The solution 
a temporary 22-acre waterfront “pop-up” yard dedicated to export distribution.

The Port said USDA would fund 60 percent of start-up costs for Oakland’s export container depot. Agricultural exporters would have exclusive access to pre-cool refrigerated containers for loading perishable products. Best of all, the Port said, truckers can bypass marine terminals. Agricultural exporters will also receive direct incentives from the USDA to utilize the pop-up yard.

In association with the USDA, CDFA, GO-Biz and CalSTA, the Port of Oakland is hosting a virtual information session on Thursday, February 24, 2022, from 10-11 a.m. PT on the new, temporary “pop-up” container yard that will ease congestion and add agricultural export capacity in Oakland.

Shippers, forwarders and truckers can ask operational questions about the yard, which will open on March 1.

The Zoom link for the session is:
Passcode: 775769

For any other questions Western Growers members might have, please reach out to Bryan Nickerson at 949.885.2392 or [email protected].