Though Exotic Fruit Fly (EFF), (including Mediterranean fruit fly, Oriental fruit fly, Queensland fruit fly and tau fruit fly) numbers are down, California dealt with an exceptionally high quantity and diversity of Exotic Fruit Flies this season. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) urges growers to stay vigilant in an effort to eradicate EFF.
The CDFA, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and various County Agricultural Commissioners are working to prevent the spread of EFF. Most recently, CDFA released the Guide for Growers (see below), which includes quarantine guidelines information, grower responsibilities, a description of CDFA led activities, and more information.
The following links have been compiled to unify the effort throughout the agricultural industry:
- Invasive Fruit Fly – Guide for Growers [NEW]
- Fruit Fly Quarantine Boundaries and Maps
- Frequently Asked Questions from Industry Members
- Harvest and Crop Movement Requirements for Growers
- Details on actions and regulatory information based on a grower’s geographic location from a fruit fly quarantine area.
- Host Lists for Invasive Fruit Flies
- Oriental Fruit Fly (Over 300 crops impacted)
- Mediterranean Fruit Fly
- Queensland Fruit Fly
- Tau Fruit Fly
- Residential Treatment Information and Maps (Conducted by CDFA)