June 18, 2015

Save the Date June 18 — Western Growers’ Central Valley Issues Forums

Western Growers’ Central Coast Issues Forums were such a huge success, we decided to host another round! Next up — the Central Valley.  So ‘Save the Date’ because on Thursday, June 18, the Western Growers’ team will be visiting Fresno, Los Banos, and Bakersfield to hear from YOU.

What issues concern you most?  What would you like to see done at the state and federal levels on immigration, water, food safety, and other issues?  How about GMO labeling for non-GMO produce? Do you know what state legislators, members of Congress and the administration officials are saying on the topics that concern you?  We do. So plan on attending one of our three meetings scheduled for that day so you can hear from us and we can hear from you!  We invite you to bring a few of your key employees as well.

And to make it a little more interesting, WG will be conducting an informal presidential straw poll at each event so we can get an early read on who our members are favoring for the 2016 presidential election.  Feeling excited about a particular candidate?  Come on out and cast your ballot to let us know how you feel.

Over 150 people representing a multitude of WG members in the Central Coast showed up for our meetings last week in Oxnard, Salinas and Santa Maria voted, and exchanged their thoughts and ideas with our staff.  And they got to do it while enjoying a complimentary breakfast, lunch or dinner.

During the Issues Forums and question and answer period, members will hear from WG President CEO Tom Nassif; WG Chairman Vic Smith (JV Smith Companies; Dave Puglia, senior VP of government affairs and communications; Jason Resnick, VP and general counsel; Hank Giclas, senior VP of science and technology and strategic planning; and David Zanze, senior VP of WG Assurance Trust.

REGISTER NOW to attend at the location nearest you!

WG Issues Forums — Thursday June 18

Breakfast Issues Forum — Fresno

(Breakfast will be served)

8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m.


2257 West Shaw Ave., Fresno 93711

Luncheon Issues Forum – Los Banos

(Lunch will be served)

12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Wool Growers

609 H St., Los Banos, 93635

Dinner Issues Forum — Bakersfield
(Reception at 5:00; Dinner served at 5:30)

5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Wool Growers

620 E. 19th St., Bakersfield, 93305