This afternoon, the California Senate passed AB 1066, the ag overtime bill by a vote of 21 to 14, with 4 abstentions. The bill now moves to the Assembly for consideration and could likely be voted on this week. Western Growers urges ALL members — whether they have already done so or not — to IMMEDIATELY contact their assembly member and express their opposition to this bill.
An economic analysis conducted by the reputable Highland Economics firm, included in a recent Spotlight piece, confirms that this legislation – combined with the recently-enacted minimum wage law – will force farmers to cut back on production and cause significant harm to farmworker earnings and the California economy.
Again, urgent action is needed. Legislators need to hear from YOU to understand the impacts the bill will have on your farmworkers. Use our AB 1066 advocacy campaign page to quickly and easily send your legislators a message to oppose the bill.
For more information, contact Matthew Allen at (916) 446-1435.