April 11, 2017

Trade-Up Pilot Program Now Available in San Joaquin Valley

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently announced its Grant Solicitation for the Off-Road Mobile Agricultural Equipment Trade-Up Pilot Project in the San Joaquin Valley (Trade-Up Pilot Project). At CARB’s discretion, the solicitation includes the option to award a Grant Agreement for fiscal year 2017-18, funding up to $3,000,000 for this project. 

The Trade-Up Pilot Project is funded entirely through the Air Quality Improvement Program. The project will allow CARB to assess the feasibility of a new, multi-step type of equipment incentive intended for owners of high-emitting mobile agricultural equipment in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin that may not qualify for existing voluntary incentive funding (i.e., Carl Moyer Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program, etc.), and for which new equipment purchases are not practical.

Criteria to apply includes residency in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin, qualifying as “Agricultural Operations,” and owning eligible equipment for scrap or trade. For additional resources about the project or to apply, visit the CARB’s webpage at http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/aqip/solicitations.htm. Applications are due to CARB by 5:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, April 21, 2017.