Western Growers publishes an array of quality content to keep members informed. Whether it’s the timely twice-weekly newsletter, Spotlight; hot-off-the-press Special Spotlight; the bi-monthly deep dives in the Western Grower & Shipper Magazine; practical tips for produce sellers in Produce Insights; financial markets news nuggets in the WGFS Insights; or our industry interest stories on social; Western Growers has you covered.
Now we’re pleased to introduce you to Western Growers Legal Insights – the latest source for legal news and information for Western Growers members. Please subscribe to this weekly newsletter if you want the latest information on new laws and cases that affect your workplace; bills that are making their way into the law books; more localized news and information; and best practices to ensure a legally complaint workplace.
Welcome to the New Western Growers Legal Insights Newsletter. We hope you like it!