John is President and Chief Executive Officer of Peter Rabbit Farms, his family’s third and fourth-generation Coachella Valley farm, which he joined following graduation from Stanford University. Peter Rabbit Farms is a conventional grower/shipper of leaf lettuce, bell peppers and eggplant, and is a grower of carrots, potatoes, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, lemons, date palms and turfgrass. John is an elected Board member of Coachella Valley Water District, currently serving as President. He is also a Trustee representing California on the governing Board of the Colorado River Water Users Association. His community service includes the board of Eisenhower Hospital and involvement as former Chair of the Board of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Coachella Valley. The lifelong Coachella Valley resident and his wife, Klysta, live in Indian Wells and have two children and two grandchildren. John has been appointed to serve the remainder of the Board term of Franz DeKlotz who passed away in December 2021. John was first elected to the Board in 1996 and served as Chair in 2005.