October 13, 2015

90th Annual Meeting – Thank You to Our Sponsors!

With the 90th Annual Meeting right around the corner, Western Growers wants to thank all of our sponsors for this year’s event. From our Platinum to our Supplier Sponsors, we appreciate your generous support! Without you, this fun and informative networking event could not take place! We would especially like to thank our Platinum and Gold Sponsors (see list below)!

We also would like to encourage our members to consider using our sponsors’ professional business products and services as an additional way of saying thank you for their support of our organization and industry.

Platinum Sponsors

Anthem Blue Cross

Bank of America/Merrill Lynch

Bayer Crop Science

C.H. Robinson

Crop Production Services

Dow AgroSciences

Farm Credit


Pinnacle Claims Management, Inc.



Wells Fargo

Western Growers Insurance Services

Gold Sponsors

CHEP International

John Deere

RDO Equipment Company

RDO Water

Rynn and Janowsky LLP

Toro Micro-Irrigation

Sponsorship opportunities are still available! 

For a list of all of the 90th Annual Meeting sponsors, CLICK HERE

For a list of sponsors by event, CLICK HERE

For more information on the Annual Meeting or to become a sponsor, contact Randy Hause at (949) 885-2265)