USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has extended the comment period on its proposed rule that would amend U.S. import requirements to allow lemons from northwest Argentina. The comment deadline has been extended an additional 30 days until August 10, 2016.
Western Growers had requested a minimum 120-day extension stating the additional time could be used by APHIS to update the dated pest risk assessment and finalize a proposed site visit, expected to take place this fall. Western Growers is concerned that opening up the U.S. market based on outdated pest risk assessments could expose the California and Arizona citrus industry to quarantine pests.
As a reminder to members, this information, and information like this, can be found on Western Growers’ International Trade webpage. The webpage is a valuable resource for members providing assistance with issues related to import and export trade.
For more information, contact Ken Gilliland at (949) 885-2267.