In 2014, California voters passed Proposition 1 (Prop 1), a $7.545 billion statewide ballot initiative also known as the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. While many people may think of Prop 1 as solely a mechanism for funding water supply infrastructure projects such as surface and groundwater storage, the general obligation bonds can also be applied to fund ecosystems and watershed protection and restoration projects.
Prop 1 has been receiving applications for grants for Safe Drinking Water Grant Program projects, many located near farming areas. This website shows the allocation and the committed amounts so far. There is also a website that shows a list of projects that have submitted applications, but that have not been approved.
For more information on Prop 1 or on the availability of these funds for the Safe Drinking Water Grant Program, please contact Gail Delihant at (916) 446-1435.