April 14, 2023

Best Practices: Preventing Harassment

A report of the Co-Chairs of EEOC’s Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace identified several core principles generally proven as effective in preventing and addressing harassment: 

  • Committed and engaged leadership; 
  • Consistent and demonstrated accountability; 
  • Strong and comprehensive harassment policies; 
  • Trusted and accessible complaint procedures; and 
  • Regular, interactive training tailored to the audience and the organization. 

All of the above are essential components of a successful prevention strategy, but only where employees are aware (and supportive) of them. Training all employees ensures a workforce that understands not only company policies/procedures, but expectations and consequences.  

An effective training program includes, among other things: 

  • Strong support by senior leaders; 
  • Repetition; 
  • Tailoring to the company’s specific workplace and workforce (e.g., relevant languages, daily experiences, unique work, workforce and workplace characteristics); 
  • Qualified interactive trainers or active engagement video-training.  

Employers may also consider offering additional preventative trainings that include workplace civility/respectful workplace training and/or bystander intervention training. Additional prevention resources include the EEOC’s Checklists and Chart of Risk Factors for Employers. 

For information on available onsite and online courses in workplace harassment prevention, supervisory training, leadership training and more, contact Western Growers University.