It’s almost time! California employers with 100 or more employees must file their Pay Data Reports on April 1, 2022. Ahead of the deadline employers should be marshaling data on pay and hours worked according to the following: by company, job category, sex, race and ethnicity.
Enacted September 30, 2020, SB 973 established Government Code section 12999 authorizing California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) to receive, investigate, conciliate, mediate, and prosecute complaints alleging unlawful practices under the state’s wage rate provision laws. As a result, California law requires those employers subject to federal Employer Information Reporting (EEO-1) laws to submit an annual pay data report to the DFEH that contains specified wage information.
Reports can be filed through the DFEH’s Pay Reporting Portal using templates provided by the DFEH. Check out the FAQ’s for filing assistance.