The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) is soft-launching the web portal to connect employers across the state to California manufacturers making non-medical grade Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
While the initiative will be officially launching soon, the web portal is live and functioning, and WG members are encouraged to utilize the tool to find and connect with manufacturers of specific PPE.
PPE products available on the web portal include face masks, gloves, face shields, sanitizers, wipes, gowns and plexiglass partitions. The manufacturing companies are listed by county to facilitate a “Californians for Californians” concept of locally-sourced, locally-used products.
CMTA’s project is a partnership between the California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA), Autodesk, the State of California and industry associations, including Western Growers.
Please provide any feedback or suggestions to help this web portal adapt to meet your needs.
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