Cornell University is conducting a research study titled “Modeling and Training to Enhance Resilience of the U.S. Food System to COVID-19 Labor Shortages,” to assess the most urgent needs of the food industry with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the study, Cornell is encouraging participation in an anonymous 30-minute survey to help identify the best COVID-19 control strategies and develop training materials. Participants may choose to answer all or portions of this survey.
This research study is funded by the USDA program, “Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Impacts Across Food and Agricultural Systems,” and will benefit participating companies by providing the opportunity to voice their COVID-19-related experiences and needs.
Western Growers encourages members to participate in the survey. No identifying data will be collected through this survey and participation is voluntary.
For more information or questions about this research study, please contact Dr. Renata Ivanek at [email protected].