By Ellie Amesse
The January/February issue of Western Grower & Shipper Magazine is now available. Print copies should be in your mailbox soon, and the digital issue can be accessed here.
This issue is all about agricultural technology and equipment. The cover story is titled “Robots on the farm: how farm workers have safer, better-paying jobs thanks to tech.” This story talks about the role technology plays in the ag labor force. Quoted in this article is HMC Farms Vice President Drew Ketelsen.
The “President’s Notes” column features a piece by Western Growers president and CEO Dave Puglia, called “The water crisis is devastating for California’s farms. It’s time for a crisis-level response.” This opinion article is a response to California’s drought conditions and water policies.
The issue also features a piece on the innovation and development of autonomous tractors, called “How California let Arizona take the driver’s seat when it comes to using autonomous farm vehicles.” This article contains thoughts from Walt Duflock, VP of Innovation for Western Growers, and Joani Woefl, president and CEO of Far West Equipment Dealers.
Western Growers celebrates the 38 years of service of David Zanze as he announces his retirement as executive vice president of Western Growers Assurance Trust and president of Pinnacle Claims Management.
The issue ends with a collection of photos of the furry friends of Western Growers employees and members.