By Anna Bilderbach
This four-hour onsite workshop is designed for new or veteran HR practitioners and department leaders. This course is delivered by Western Growers University and its Corporate Counsel. In this session, you will learn about:
- Federal and state employee leaves
- Who qualifies and who doesn’t?
- What is an employer’s obligation?
- The Interactive Process
- Who’s responsible?
- What to document?
- Reasonable Accommodations
- What is an employer’s responsibility?
- Dos and don’ts
Prepare yourself to join Teresa McQueen, Western Growers Corporate Counsel, and Anna Bilderbach, Western Growers University’s Learning and Development Manager, as they walk you through these essential leaves and labor law updates affecting employers.
Call to Action:
- Space is limited. Click here to register for the Leave Law Extravaganza.
Additional information is available by emailing: [email protected]