In late December, amidst the fury of the holiday season, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced the members of the newly-formed Governor’s Water Augmentation Council.
According to a press release issued by the Governor’s office, the Council was created “to ensure the certainty and vitality of Arizona’s future water supplies” and is expected to begin meeting in the near future.
The Council consists of a combination of 29 prominent water resources experts, watershed groups, local government and industry leaders in Arizona agriculture, mining and homebuilding. Thomas Buschatzke, director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources, is serving as Chairman.
Two Yuma-based WG members will serve on the board: Mark Smith of Smith Farms Companies/Yuma Irrigation District; and Phil Townsend of Sunland Chemical Company. Grady Gammage, Jr., who was a panelist in the Water Rights’ workshop at the 90th Annual Meeting in San Diego this past November, was also named to the Council.
To see the full release on this announcement from the Arizona Department of Water Resources, CLICK HERE.
For more information, contact AnnaMarie Knorr at (602) 451-0658.