On April 12, 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced the opening of the 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection. The deadline for submitting and certifying 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 Report(s) is May 17, 2022. Access to the online filing system is through the EEOC’s dedicated EEO-1 Component 1 website.
Employers subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) (e.g., those with 15+ employees) who also employ 100 or more employees, are required to file an annual EEO-1 Report with the EEOC. This filing requirement also includes most federal government contractors with 50+ employees and a federal contract of $50,000 or more. Employers subject to Title VII with fewer than 100 employees who are owned or affiliated with another company or where there is centralized ownership, control or management (e.g., central control of personnel policies and labor relations) so as to legally constitute a single enterprise with 100+ employees, must also file.
Multi-establishment employers subject to Title VII must complete an EEO-1 Report: 1) for its principal office; 2) a separate report for each establishment with 50+ employees; 3) a separate report for each establishment with fewer than 50 employees; or an Establishment List that shows the name, address, total employment for each establishment with fewer than 50 employees. Each of these separate reports are then combined to create a Consolidated Report.
Failure to file the EEO-1 can subject the employer to a lawsuit compelling compliance. False reporting can result in the imposition of files or imprisonment. Government contractors risk debarment of their contracts.
Members with questions about EEO-1 reporting should contact Western Growers. Additional online support can be found through the EEOC’s Filer Support Team Message Center.