FDA is planning outreach calls to registered food facilities in areas with high rates of COVID-19 or are anticipated to have high rates of COVID-19. The intent of the outreach effort is to support continuity in the food supply. FDA is prioritizing these calls based on facility food type and size. The time frame for the calls is unspecified and may continue into the spring months if needed. There is no similar plan intended for non-FDA registered food production operations, such as growing operations.
These calls are voluntary and will take about 10 minutes. During the call, FDA will check in on how your facility is doing and see if there is any information or technical assistance your facility may need. If your facility expresses a need for support, or if other regional needs are recognized, FDA plans to reach out to other federal partners to also assist your facility. Although states have been alerted, state resources will not be engaged in this effort at this time.
In advance of these calls, please take a moment to review the following FDA resources:
- Food Safety and COVID-19
- Guidance on Reporting Temporary Closure/Reduced Production and Requesting FDA Assistance
- Portal for Reporting Temporary Closure/Reduced Production
Please contact De Ann Davis at [email protected] if you have additional questions or concerns.