October 6, 2016

FSMA is Here, WG Offers Resources and Training

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) rules and provisions are already in effect, and Western Growers is providing resources and offering training to help members stay in compliance. 

Many of the final rules may impact Western Growers’ (WG) members depending on their size, commodities produced, type of operation and activities conducted, including the donation or sale of by-products for use as animal food. WG has developed the FSMA Resources Portal to assist members with the implementation of applicable rules in their operations.

Additionally, WG will start offering trainings on a continual basis. Upcoming trainings will address food safety on produce operations subject to the FDA’s food safety regulations, now in effect as result of FSMA. Four classes are now scheduled and there are more to come.

The first training will be for the new FDA Preventive Controls for Human Food rule, which is intended to ensure safe manufacturing/processing, packing and holding of food products for human consumption in the United States. The regulation requires that certain activities must be completed or overseen by a “preventive controls qualified individual.” One way to meet the requirements for a “preventive controls qualified individual” is to complete the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) Preventive Controls for Human Food Course. This course, developed by the FSPCA, is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA. In addition, it will feature examples relevant to produce packinghouses covered by this rule; however, fresh-cut produce operations and other food facilities will benefit from this course, as well.

This training, which is geared for members of the produce industry, is hosted by Western Growers (WG) in collaboration with UC Davis and the Produce Marketing Association (PMA). Dr. Trevor Suslow with UC Davis, the main FSPCA lead instructor of this class, will be joined by lead FSPC instructors Dr. Jim Gorny with PMA and Sonia Salas with WG.


Date: October 19 – 21, 2016

Location: Monterey County Farm Bureau
1140 Abbott Street, Suite C (upstairs)
Salinas, CA 93901 (between Merrill St and Growers St)

Registration Details:

Registration includes training materials and certificate, light breakfast, snacks and lunch. Members of the Produce Marketing Association and Western Growers will get a discounted price and have registration priority.

Register by October 17th to secure a spot, as the class size is limited.

Registration Fees & Cancellation Policy:

PMA & WG members: $700.00

Others: $1,050.00

A fee of $35 will be charged if a cancellation request is received before October 10th. Refunds will not be issued after this date.

Registration: REGISTER HERE

For registration questions contact Ivan Martinez at [email protected] or by phone at (949) 885-4789 for additional information about the class content or the FSMA Resources Portal, contact Sonia Salas by email at [email protected] or by phone at (949) 885-2251.


FSPCA Course for Human Food (one way to meet the requirement of a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual)

  • Yuma, Arizona on January 4 – 6, 2017
  • Brighton, Colorado on February 1 – 3, 2017

PSA Train-the-Trainer Class (to teach the Produce Safety Alliance Training developed for growers)

  • Irvine, California on November 14 – 15, 2016