Tune in to the third installment of the “Food Safety Findings” four-part webinar series, where Western Growers experts condense research presentations from the Center for Produce Safety’s Research Symposium into actionable insights for members. Today’s newly released webinar highlights pertinent research and data surrounding validation of scientific processes as they relate to food safety.
More than 30 research projects were presented to attendees during the Center for Produce Safety’s Research Symposium in June – all containing information significant to enhancing food safety throughout the industry. Hank Giclas (Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning, Science & Technology at Western Growers) and Susan Leaman (Vice President at iDecisionSciences) have summarized the conference sessions and food safety findings into four recap webinars.
Previously, Giclas and Leaman discussed the key findings from the Symposium relating to water – both ag water and post-harvest water – and food safety in the packinghouse and throughout the supply chain.
All webinars are being made available to Western Growers members. To access the webinar presentation, register by clicking here. By registering, members will also receive access to the previous two webinars, as well as the remaining webinar on hot topics regarding produce safety. The last webinar will be available in the coming weeks.
For more information, contact Hank Giclas at (949) 885-2205.