Yesterday, the Washington Post published an article highlighting how “a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweighs the risks of pesticides.”
The story reflects the Alliance for Food and Farming, USDA and Western Growers messaging: U.S. fruits and vegetables are safe and we should all be consuming more, regardless if conventionally, or organically grown.
Washington Post detailed how propaganda pieces such as the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) “Dirty Dozen” and its “Clean Fifteen” companion piece are not created based on sound scientific procedures and are now are a negative effect of causing shoppers to buy less fruits and vegetables.
The article emphasizes how “misinformation about pesticides breeds fear and confusion, and many find it easier to skip fresh produce altogether…[but] the bottom line remains: the best thing you can do is consume lots of vegetables and fruit for their health benefits.”
Click here to read the full Washington Post article.
For more information, contact Matt McInerney at (949) 885-2263.