Along with a group of other agriculture and horticulture organizations, Western Growers co-hosted a luncheon for Arizona legislators on the grounds of the state Capitol earlier today. A bi-partisan group of fifty-six legislators, members of their staffs and other public officials came out to the annual ‘Ag Day at the Capitol’ to socialize with members from the host organizations and each other in support of Arizona agriculture.
Arizona produce growers including Rousseau Farming Company, Duncan Family Farms and Tanimura & Antle all participated in the event. Guest enjoyed lunch with their colleagues and hosts and were provided with bags of fresh produce.
Participating organizations included:
- Western Growers
- Agri-Business & Water Council of Arizona
- Arizona Agriculture Aviation Association
- Arizona Cattlemens Association
- Arizona Cotton Growers Association
- Arizona Crop Protection Association
- Arizona Farm Bureau
- Arizona Nursery Association
- CropLife America
- United Dairymen of Arizona
- Western Plant Health Association
- Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association
Pictured above is WG’s Manager of AZ Government Affairs, AnnaMarie Knorr and state Senator Lisa Otondo (LD-4) of Yuma.
For more information on the event, contact AnnaMarie Knorr at (602) 451-0658.