Western Growers’ Board of Directors voted earlier this month to oppose the “Cortopassi Initiative.” The Initiative would require statewide voter approval before revenue bonds in excess of $2 billion can be issued to fund many public infrastructure projects, including some local projects funded by ratepayers through joint powers authorities.
“The Cortopassi Initiative would create a new avenue for opponents to try to block badly needed water supply projects and water infrastructure, including potentially Sites and Temperance Flat reservoirs,” said Western Growers President & CEO Tom Nassif. “Most troubling, this project would require a statewide vote on some local projects funded entirely by local project users and ratepayers – empowering voters in distant parts of the state to block local decision-making and control.”
Click here to read the full statement and press release.
For more information, contact Cory Lunde at (949) 885-2264.