Yesterday, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) issued a Section 24C Special Local Need registration for the use of sulfoxaflor on leafy vegetables and Brassica (cole) crops. Sulfoxaflor (brand name: Sequoia) is part of a new category of insecticides by Dow AgroSciences called sulfoximines and has a unique mode of action. Sequoia™ targets sap feeding insects and may be an ideal addition to Integrated Pest Management programs because of its fast acting control and demonstrated lack of cross resistance.
WG helped to secure the recent registration of Sequoia™ insecticide. Through a close relationship with Dow AgroSciences, WG staff learned how the product can aide growers in California and represented the critical need for it to DPR. This is the first registration of this new insecticide for use by California growers.