To minimize the risk of COVID-19 for all parties involved, CDFA has decided to conduct all California LGMA audit record reviews remotely effective December 16, 2020. The California LGMA recently announced that this change will be in place for the foreseeable future.
We encourage you to take advantage of WG’s online platform to fulfill your virtual documentation requirements. This platform allows you to upload your required food safety documents before the audit takes place. Once uploaded, the auditor can complete the review without you being online. To get started, fill out the Western Growers Virtual Audit Intake Form. WG is working with iFoodDS team to offer this platform and provide technical assistance and training to all users.
For questions regarding the initial system set up or to get started, please contact Marlene Hanken at [email protected].
Please contact Sonia Salas at [email protected] if you have any other questions or concerns.