November 5, 2015

PRESS RELEASE: PRESS CALL WEDNESDAY: Conservative Leaders Show Depth of Support for Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C., (October 27, 2015) —  In advance of the House Republicans’ election for the next speaker and the GOP presidential debate in Boulder, conservative leaders are joining a telephonic press conference on Wednesday to voice their support for immigration reform.

These national and local leaders are remaining focused on the long-term need for immigration reform and voicing their deep conservative support for candidates and members of Congress to move forward with a responsible, humane conversation on immigration.

WHAT:    Telephonic press call with conservative leaders to underscore the need for a responsible conversation on the need for immigration reform.

WHO:     Rev. Randy Buursma, Pastor of First Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Barrett Duke, Vice President for Public Policy and Research, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
James Lopez, Division Chief (Retired), Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Tom Nassif, President and CEO of the Western Growers Association
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
WHEN:     11 a.m. ET Wednesday, Oct. 28

WHERE:     1-888-219-1412; Conference ID: 2174170  
