Posts By: Jeff Gullickson

OSHA Requires Physician Approval of Workplace First Aid Kits

The California Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) regulation Title 8 CCR Section 3400 specifies that first-aid supplies must be made available to all employees on every job. In paragraph (c) of this standard, it further states that a physician must approve the contents of a first-aid kit in the workplace, but does not go ...

OSHA 300 Log Posting Due Soon

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Form 300A logs work-related injuries and illnesses occurring in the prior calendar year. All eligible employers are required to maintain and post an annual OSHA 300A summary sheet from February 1 to April 30. February 1, 2019, marks the deadline for you to tabulate your annual OSHA Log Summary ...