Ever feel like you’re struggling to keep with all the latest great ag and AgTech content available? Me too, and I’ve been trying to do something about it.
After years of trial and error, I think I’ve learned a few things and what I’ve done might be useful to others who would like to be able to keep with more of what’s going on in AgTech land, because things are changing at a rapid pace and that shows no sign of changing. In this post on Medium, I go through my three main consumption channels – podcasts, newsletters, and social media. I provide my top selections for podcasts and newsletters and pro tips on optimizing LinkedIn and Twitter. Here’s the short version:
Business of Agriculture – Damian Mason
Voices of the Valley – Dennis Donohue and Candace Wilson
Future of Ag – Tim Hammerich
AgTech So What – Sarah Nolet
Fresh Takes on Tech – Vonnie Estes
Podcast tips – Apple podcast app, speed it up, build a station, download for long flights and drives.
Upstream Ag Insights – Shane Thomas
Software Is Feeding The World – Rishi Pethe
Prime Future – Janette Barnard
Anything by Seana Day
Newsletter tip – download each weekly edition in its own window for easy reading on flights.
Social Media
LinkedIn – customize your news feeds with follows and connections, like and re-post for content creators that earn it, and LinkedIn Groups.
Twitter – follow the right folks by searches for search terms or hashtags, then add Lists when you get to critical mass.
Hopefully this helps people consume AgTech content a lot faster. I know these tips have helped me get through more content. Enjoy!