February 11, 2015

Health Care Piece of Mind Is Close at Hand — WG ACA Webinar Tomorrow — February 11th

The Affordable Care Act is affecting your business in real ways.  While Congress argues the law, you must make sure your company follows it.  Do you know what’s expected of you right now?

Compliance with the Large Employer Mandate

Employers with 100 or more full time employees and equivalents are currently required to comply with the large employer mandate this year.

Employers with 50 to 99 full-time employees and equivalents have less than a year to comply with the large employer mandate (their obligation begins January 1, 2016).

Employer Reporting

All employers participating in Western Growers Assurance Trust and all employers with 50 or more full-time employees and equivalents must report specific information to the IRS no later than February 29, 2016 or March 31, 2016 if filed electronically.  Similar information must be furnished to employees no later than February 1, 2016.   This information will be used by the IRS to determine which employers are complying with the large employer mandate and to determine which individuals qualify for subsidies at the health insurance exchanges.  The information reported is from data year 2015.  This webinar will focus on the necessary information and explain the reporting requirements.

Western Growers Assurance Trust Can Help

Are you doing everything you need to do to comply with or prepare for the new mandate?  Have you calculated your employer size correctly?  Have you properly identified your full-time employees?  Are you prepared for IRS reporting in 2016? Do you know what’s coming next? Find out what you should be doing during WGAT Affordable Care Act Webinar on February 11 at 10 am PST.

Webinar Details

Affordable Care Act Webinar

February 11, 2015

10:00 – 11:00 PST


 If you have questions about the webinar or the Affordable Care Act, contact Jonathan Alexander.