October 16, 2024

Reagan-Udall Foundation Seeks Input from Food Safety Leaders

The industry, consumer and state regulatory members of the Fresh Produce Coalition (FPC) are pleased that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is supporting the Reagan-Udall Foundation’s (RUF) facilitation of an inclusive stakeholder dialogue to explore new strategies for produce safety. The FPC has been working with FDA leaders on ways to identify and overcome systemic barriers to success in ensuring access by all consumers to a safe and abundant supply of fresh produce. We see the RUF-facilitated dialogue as an exceptional opportunity to generate new ideas and energy and to work collaboratively toward holistic, public-private strategies that better support growers in implementing best practices for food safety. The FPC’s vision and mission is described here.

To obtain a breadth of perspectives from representatives whose voices are the most valuable in the conversation around food safety, the RUF is collecting insight through a questionnaire that can be found here. Responses will be used to direct attention to priority areas. The deadline for participation is Nov. 1, 2024.