Join us for a special webinar on Tuesday, September 29, to hear about the latest research on the dramatic declines in bee health and learn about up and coming technology to help mitigate colony losses.
The “More than Honey: The Agricultural Importance and Future of Bees” webinar will cover the following topics:
- Bees and their ecological and agricultural importance
- Researchers’ current knowledge about the dramatic declines in bee health and stock losses
- Collaboration efforts between researchers and agricultural partners to develop new management tools to safeguard honeybees and their pollination services into the future
- Unique, innovative technology being invented to prevent bee loss and increase productivity in their hives
The discussion will be led by Boris Baer, the head of the world-renown Center for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER) at the University of California, Riverside. Baer, who spearheads research on reproduction and immunity in bees, is working toward developing novel tools to monitor and manage pollinator health through collaborative research.
The webinar is hosted by the Western Growers Center for Innovation & Technology, which is supporting start-up companies such as ApisProtect and The Bee Corp in developing technology to help solve the bee health crisis.
Bee health is a critical issue for a large number of crops grown by Western Growers’ members and we invite all members to join us for this important webinar. Register today! This event is FREE for all Western Growers members.
More than Honey: The Agricultural Importance and Future of Bees
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM PDT
- Boris Baer, head of the Center for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER) at the University of California, Riverside, and UCR professor in the Department of Entomology
- Dennis Donohue, director of Western Growers Center for Innovation & Technology
For more information, contact Dennis Donohue at [email protected] or (831) 594-4883.
(picture courtesy of The Bee Corp CEO Ellie Symes)