Don’t get behind in tracking the necessary information to fulfill the reporting and compliance requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
What is IRS Health Care Coverage Reporting?
Under the ACA, large employers are required to offer health care coverage to full time employees or potentially pay a tax. But that is only part of your ACA obligation.
Without the proper data to show which full-time employees and dependents were offered health care coverage throughout the year, you might have to pay hefty penalties as part of the Employer Shared Responsibility Tax — better known as the “Pay or Play Mandate.” Large employers (and self-funded employers of any size, including all companies that use the Assurance Trust) must file reports with the IRS annually and furnish information to full-time employees about the coverage offered.
How do you prepare?
In-house solutions and typical payroll reporting can’t fully address the evolving complexity of the ACA, which is why we created the ACA Dashboard to help employers. This program is an integrated management tool that uses your company’s real-time payroll data to provide the information you need for ACA monitoring, reporting and documentation.
How does it work? Find out at the webinar.
Join Western Growers Assurance Trust’s general counsel Jon Alexander as he helps make sense of the rules you have to follow and demonstrates the ACA Dashboard’s Form 1094-C and 1095-C Reporting tools.
Webinar Details
Affordable Care Act Webinar: ACA Dashboard and IRS Form 1094-C and 1095-C Filing & Furnishing
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT